Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Life is not a movie

There are some people in this world that try to make their life simiar to a movie. THe only thng that comes out of that is drama. NOT comedy or a love story, just plain out fake drama. Movies are made for entertainment. Life is made to live. No one sits infront of a screen about to watch a movie and says "i'm ready to live". When one is about to die no one has ever said "i wish i had watched a movie to the fullest." Combining movies and life equals fake. Why create problems if there is no one watching us to entertain them with. Life is not funny. Life is based on peace love and understanding.

SO LETS ALLL JAM OUT TO ELVIS COSTELLOOO!!! what so funny bout peace love and undestandingg!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


FIRST, I would like to start off and thank our follower! Its pretty amazing! SECOND, I would like to explain how March is my lucky month. 6 words- I GET TO MEET JUSTIN BIEBER! Not only meet him, but also go bowling with him! My brother was the 20,000 texter and he got 2 tickets. Knowing that Justin and I are getting married, he decided I would be the one he was taking!!!!!!!!!! :) I cant tell you how excited I am and how amazing I think this is! Its just pure craziness and I still cannot believe that we won! THIRD, I am going on a spring break trip with my sister Channel. We are going to spend Spring Break together and then wrap up the good week with a Justin Bieber concert!! And FOURTH, it will be Channel's birthday soon!! AND in case you are wondering....she IS older than me (but I'm still referred to as "Big Sis")


Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Well to all of you guys reading this (which is probably me(ada) and channel) I am going to marry justin bieber. He just doesnt know it (or me) yet. Okay well I have not been as dilligent in writing blogs like Channel because I have been so busy lately. Well I would just like to take a moment and please ask people to follow us so that there are some people in the world somewhere that are actually reading this so that Channel and I know we arent loners who write for themselves haha jk but seriously please follow us. And in response to our new picture, it is wonderful and we are DEFINITLY NOT emo..sorry if that disappoints you. Annnddddd a countdown to SPRING BREAKK!!! T-9 days!!!!! I would also like to give a shout out to my big brother, Nicole. Yes we know that he has a girl name but he is special. Channel feel free to comment or blog explaining to our MANY readers about Nicole!


Hey guys Channel blogging
so today on 95.7 i heard that we all have a chance to go bowling with my sisters love justin bieber. I think shes a little jelous. So lets all take a moment to pray for her that she wins. If you want to help her go bowling with him turn on 95.7 at 1:45 and figure out the number and code word to text. Here is the picture of her future fiancee

Monday, March 1, 2010

Hey this is channel blogging.
dont be fooled by our new profile picture that ada just HAD to change to. NO we are not emo, i repeat, we are NOT emo. OK well, after getting that cleared up i just found out that headaches make you hit a ball hard.... a TENNIS ball. I happened to go to tennis today with a massve headache that i thought might make my brains come out of my nostrils, don't worry they didnt because then i wouldnt be writing this blog. But because the headache made me mad i hit the ball faster than lighting and happened to hit my instructor in the balls.hahahah KIDDING.. ok well story of my day. o and any comments over this baby i made on makemebaby.com

Saturday, February 27, 2010

our story

There was a man, who was married to a pregnant woman. A month later, the man then divorced the woman and got married to another women. The women then got pregnant. Both women had their babies 2 months apart. That is when Channel and Ada came into the world.